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map of Africa Map Machine: Atlas @

Welcome to Africa Online

An African internet service provider's homepage with news, weather, "Africa in Fact," and other information, focusing primarily on northern countries.

Africa South of the Sahara

A good all-round source of information on many subjects including politics, history, religion, sports, education, development, current events, and culture in 36 topics and organized by regions. There are links to many other resources.

Africa Data Dissemination Service

A rich geographic resource, this is a US-AID project supported by the United States Geologic Survey and including many EROS resources from USGS. Data are grouped by geographic area: W.Sahel, Greater Horn of Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa. For each region and its countries there are data such as flags, basic country-statistics, satellite images, national and local maps, history and development. Multiple images are available, with "most current images" as well as earlier images from satellites. A prime online resource collection for the region.

The World Factbook Master Home Page

Comprehensive, global coverage of a vast range of topics; resources include current maps and detailed data for all countries including those in sub-Saharan Africa. Recently updated to offer 1996 information and statistics. A very useful site for student projects.

Excite Travel: Africa

Global coverage with links to other sites: countries and regions of the world. Included here are links to maps, history and literature, guides for travel, frequently asked questions, pictures, and weather around the world.


The Columbus University Area Studies, African Studies Internet Resources index contains a vast array of resources including reading lists for students and teachers, K-12 curriculum materials; information about culture, art, history, science, and development; and a world atlas. Features include historical, continent, country and city maps, satellite images, flags, "make your own map," and current data.

Current History

Feature issues on Africa, with in-depth articles on particular countries with maps. Suitable for reading materials in higher grades. Abstracts, book reviews, topics in the coming issue, and an index of articles are useful features.

EarthLife Africa

An organization's site detailing the philosophy and activities of the conservation group and offering accounts of ecological "green" issues in Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Foreign Governments/Africa

General information on government and politics, culture, and history on countries including Angola, Gambia, Ghana, Mauritius, Senegal, Nigeria, Zambia, and South Africa. Information is updated and current.

Welcome to the InterneXt Gateway to South Africa!

Offers many resources and links to sites on South Africa and neighbors, on an array of topics including tourism, arts, education, culture, development, health, science, technology, news magazines, and computer technology.

Main Menu @

A vast resource containing many forms of visuals on many topics as featured in the magazine and on videos. The Society also offers vast numbers of teaching resources and information related to research projects funded by NGS. The site's Map Machine offers an online atlas and satellite images of 190 countries, accessible by continent, country, or index topic. One of the prime resources for teachers.

Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa

Links to many country-specific sites, for example, Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Uganda, Zambia. This resource was developed specifically for use in student research projects.

Running the Nile

An adventure page, largely a personal account of the first ever trip down the first 300 miles of the Nile River in Uganda, by a group of kayakers. It included numerous high-quality photos, maps, and classroom resources/references ("Nile classroom"), biographies of the participants, and other information on the adventure.


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