General Semantics



The purpose of this Web page is to give you a sampling of some of the aspects of Semantics. Each of the activities asks you to make a personal commitment to what you like, believe, or feel. Really try to find things that you can connect with. To understand the statements below, complete the activities on the right with your group or partner. Good luck and have fun!

Some people who study semantics believe that an effective individual:

1.  sees the world composed of continuous and not of discrete, polarized categories.

2.  responds to the world and to people as they are and not as they are talked about or labeled.

3.  distinguishes clearly between statements of observation and statements of inferences, between fact and opinions.

4.  recognizes that all the information about anything is impossible to obtain.

5.  recognizes that everything is in a constant state of change.

6.  sees people, things, and events as unique and individual.

Rubric for assessing this lesson.

(Information from General Semantics: guide and workbook by Joseph A Devito, Everett/Edwards, Inc. 1971)


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Activity 1

project 1
project 2
project 3
project 4

Activity 2
project 1
project 2
project 3

Activity 3
project 1
project 2
project 3
project 4

Activity 4
project 1
project 2
project 3
project 4

